From e to u: Towards an innovative digital era
Angelopoulos, S., Kitsios, F. and Babulac, E.
Telecommunications and Internet Technologies have evolved dramatically during the last decade, laying a solid foundation for the future generation of Ubiquitous Internet access, omnipresent Web technologies and ultimate automated information cyberspace. Ubiquitous computing has been investigated since 1993. As a result, current efforts in research and development in the areas of Next Generation Internet and Telecommunications Technologies promote the formation of inter-disciplinary international teams of experts, scientists, researchers and engineers to create a new generation of applications and technologies that will facilitate the fully-automated information cyberspace systems, such as Future House 2015. The authors discuss the current state-of-the-art in the world of Telecommunications and Internet Technologies, new technological trends in the Internet and Automation Industries, E-manufacturing, Ubiquity, Convergence, as well as the concept of the Fully-automated Future House 2015, the 2006 Web Report with the Microsoft project on Easy Living, while promoting research and development in the interdisciplinary projects conducted by multinational teams world-wide.
Suggested citation: Angelopoulos, S., Kitsios, F. and Babulac, E. (2008). From e to u: Towards an innovative digital era. In Kotsopoulos, S. and Ioannou, K. (Eds) Heterogeneous Next Generation Networking: Innovations and Platform, pp. 427-444, Idea Group Publishing.